Sunday 6 April 2014

The Bracket Fungi

The Bracket Fungi, growing on a host tree!

Common Name: Bracket Fungi 

Scientific Name: Ganoderma Applanatum 

Family: Fungi

The Bracket Fungi, are hard and leathery brown fruiting bodies which grow out from tree trunks. Its lower surface has pores through which spores are produced and dispersed by wind.
As the bracket fungi cannot photosynthesize, they have hyphae which helps the fungi to acquire nutrients by increasing surface area. When feeding off trees, these hyphae grow to increase surface area. By doing this, more plant material would be broken down by digesting.
The Ganoderma applanatum grows from a host as it does not have a stalk. These mangrove fungi are also adapted to the high salinity.


Unknown said...

Thank you very useful information

Unknown said...

ok thanks

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